Silk Book Bag - Regular Size
This Book Bag for regular size books is made with silk, it has a metal buckle for security and convenience. Functional design for the on-the-go book lover.
Size: 20cm (length) x 28.5cm (width).
This Book Bag for regular size books is made with silk, it has a metal buckle for security and convenience. Functional design for the on-the-go book lover.
Size: 20cm (length) x 28.5cm (width).
這款打坐墊以天然橡膠爲主要原料,麵料採用麂皮絨,具有良好的彈性、耐磨性,隔水防潮,爲打坐提供舒適的體驗,其天然材質符合環保和健康要求。它可折疊,方便攜帶。 爲保持清潔可用溼佈擦拭墊麵。 規格: 直徑約70cm,厚度約4-6毫米。
Get the perfect Silk Book Bag for pocket size books. Made with silk, it has a metal buckle for security and convenience. Functional design for the ...
View full details這朵小蓮花由黃楊木製成,黃楊木因用於製作佛像而聞名遐邇,串珠採用瑪瑙石,花的流蘇使用人造絲,整體設計與色彩與花朵映襯協調。用這件意義非凡的小蓮花來裝點您的空間吧。
Silk bag for book - Golden color with button
Falun Gong is the introductory book to the Falun Dafa spiritual practice. It outlines the practice's principles for the mind and the mechanics behi...
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